Fly safe, fly fast, fly high
Go big, or go home
Spin to win in Freestyle
Life is not a dress rehearsal
"Mark my word, a combination airplane and motor car is coming, you may smile, but it will come."
Henry Ford 1940
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What is your passion?Freestyle Moguls and Ultimate Frisbee tournaments are what we live for.
You love to explore this beautiful world around you, and so do we. Take a long 3-4 day weekend enjoying some where new from your bucket list. Flying is easy with proper training. We offer all your books, training materials, and an FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) with the purchase of your new AirCAR by CFC. Go, See, Fly, Drive, Explore. Where will you go this weekend? Who will you take with you? What stories will you tell back at the office on Monday morning? It's your life! Make the most of it with your time machine by CFC AirCAR.
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801-516-1677 cell
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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