Fly safe, fly fast, fly high
Go big, or go home
Spin to win in Freestyle
Life is not a dress rehearsal
"Mark my word, a combination airplane and motor car is coming, you may smile, but it will come."
Henry Ford 1940
Safe, Fast, Affordable - AirCAR
What do you get when you cross a Tesla with a Velocity Aircraft? The 150-200 mph AirCAR
5 seats
200 mph
Base model: Horizontial Take Off and Landing $250 k
eVTOL: $1 million each
Where do you want to go?
- Skiing in Aspen, CO
- Ultimate Frisbee Comp. in Seattle, WA
- Beach in Miami, FL
- Cottage on Lake Muskoka, Canada
- Camping in Yosemite
You are now free to travel about the country in your own personal air and ground vehicle or AirCAR.
Business meeting in Boston or Industry Conference in Seattle
Coast to coast, how do you ride?
In a high-tech light-weight carbon fiber flying machine?
Boating Lake Powell, UT
Have you ever dreamed of flying to Bulfrog, landing, then driving to your Houseboat for a week on Lake Powell with family & friends?
Features and Benefits:
The base model AirCAR comes standard with plug-in hybrid electric pancake motors and a 6 cyl. turbo, 320 hp engine.
eVTOL version comes with a turbine engine to both recharge the batteries and provide thrust out the back.
eVTOL (Electric vertical take off and landing) capability. Get to your favorite spot: camping, fishing, hunting, ultimate tournament, or ski resort. eVTOL is also a safety feature, if you run into bad weather, or have an emergency, you can land in any nearby field, and then continue driving if needed.
AirCAR models offer speeds of: 150 - 200 mph, 5 seats.
$250 k Base
$300k Premium
$500 k Platinum
$1 million, eVTOL, hybrid turbine
Global Automotive Market:
97 million vehicles per year
$1.8 trillion dollar market
2029 Est. Annual Revenue:
MSRP: $250,000 / unit
Volume: 4,000 units / yr.
Revenue: $1 Billion / yr.
EBITDA: $ 350 million
Margin: 35%
AirCAR - The fastest, most efficient way to get from here to there for trips of 50-1,000 miles.
The AirCAR beats a conventional auto or aircraft for door to door travel for travel between 50-1,000 miles.
eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing), 150-200 mph vehicle. Travel in the luxury and comfort of a new AirCAR. Land vertically, retract wings, then drive 5 minutes to your hotel.
Freedom: Fast, Fun, Affordable! What more could you ask for in a Flying Car?
Who we are:
Stephen Cook, Founder and CEO of CFC LLC has a Bachelor's of Science degree from Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. Private Pilot with over 30 years experience as a Manufacturing, Quality, and Validation Engineer in the Medical Device, Automotive and Aerospace Industries.
He has organized a team of highly capable Aeronautical Design Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Business, Marketing, and Finance executives to bring you the street legal airplane that you have always dreamed about.
What is the fastest way to get from your home town to your: Cabin, Beach, Cottage, Ski Lodge, Camp site or Ultimate tournament? The AirCAR by CFC
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